Before You Start
These DIY Silk Cocoon Necklaces are a great craft for all ages. With only a few simple materials, this project will be a quick way to add a holistic accessory to your wardrobe.
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Step By Step
Step 1
Gather Materials
- Darn Good Yarn’s Silk Cocoons
- Darn Good Yarn’s Recycled Silk Sari Piping Cording
- 1 needle (we used one of medium thickness)
- 1 knitting needle (the smaller the better!)
- Scissors
Step 2
Cut the piping cording into a 26 inch strand.
Step 3
Trim the extra, fuzzy silk from the cocoons in order to create a cleaner look.
Step 4
Inset the top of the needle into the bottom of the silk cocoon, creating a small hole.
Step 5
Carefully insert the knitting needle into the small hole you created with the needle - this will create a large enough hole for you to thread the piping cording through!
Step 6
Thread the needle (with the piping cording attached) through the hole you just created
Step 7
Repeat steps 3-6 until you have the desired amount of silk cocoons on the piping cord.
Step 8
Pull the cocoons apart from one another, or push them closer together, depending on your personal preference. Be sure to leave an equal amount of piping cording on each side though!
Step 9
Bring the ends of the cord to touch, and wrap the end on the left side behind and underneath the strand on the right (the end of the left stranding should be facing upwards).
Step 10
Tuck the left end of the strand behind itself, and through the loop you created in Step 9. Pull the left and right sides of the loop you just created with equal force, to create a sturdy knot.
Step 11
Repeat on the other side. You will now have an adjustable necklace!
Step 12
Show off your creation! Tag us @darngoodyarn on Instagram and Facebook :)
Looking for other tips on how to elevate your necklace?
- Cut some of the cocoons before you thread them onto the cording to create a more layered effect
- Add some paint (splatters, glitter, etc.) to the silk cocoons
- Braid the piping cording (or your fiber of choice)
Next Weeks Tutorial
Check back in for next weeks #tutorialtuesday where we’ll be showing you how to create some homegrown, authentic burlap placemats in under 30 minutes.