Crystal Ball Amigurumi | Magical Crochet Tutorial - Darn Good Yarn

Crystal Ball Amigurumi | Magical Crochet Tutorial

Written by Kate Curry

It's almost time for spooky Halloween season! As a year-round witch, it is my time to shine! Join me for a spooky witch-crafting tutorial. After all, who doesn't want a magic crystal ball? 


A crystal ball made of light smoky purple and black yarn is resting on a wooden table in the sun. Behind the ball are a few different types of green, lush plants.

The Crystal Ball

Make a magic ring and CH 1 using your 2.00mm hook

Round 1: ESC 6 times into the ring. Tighten the ring with the tail, but do not join. (6)  
Round 2: INC by putting 2 ESC in each CH (12) 
Round 3: ESC in one CH and INC with 2 ESC in the next CH. Repeat for the round (18) 
Round 4: ESC 2 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (ESC, ESC, INC) Repeat (24) 
Round 5: ESC 3 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x3 ESC , 1 INC) Repeat (30) 
Round 6: ESC 4 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x4 ESC , 1 INC) Repeat (36)
Round 7-8: ESC the round (36)
Round 9: ESC 5 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x5 ESC , 1 INC) Repeat (43)
Round 10: ESC 6 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x6 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (51)
Round 11: ESC 7 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x7 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (60)
Round 12: ESC 8 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x8 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (70)
Round 13: ESC 9 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x9 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (81)
Round 14: ESC 10 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x10 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (93)
Round 15: ESC 11 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x11 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (106)
Round 16: ESC 12 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x12 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (120)
Round 17: ESC 13 CHS and then INC with 2 ESC in the next CH (x13 ESC, 1 INC) Repeat (135)
Round 18-31: ESC the whole round (135)
Round 32: ESC 13 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x13 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (120)
Round 33: ESC 12 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x12 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (106)
Round 34: ESC 11 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x11 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (93)
Round 35: ESC 10 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x10 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (81)
Round 36: ESC 9 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x9 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (70)
Round 37: ESC 8 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x8 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (60)
Round 38: ESC 7 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x7 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (51)
Round 39: ESC 6 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x6 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (43)
Round 40: ESC 5 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x5 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (36)
Round 41: ESC 4 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS (x4 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (30)
Round 42-43: ESC the round (30)
Round 44: ESC 3 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS (x3 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (24)
*This is when you’re going to want to stuff your crystal ball 
Round 45: ESC 2 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS (x2 ESC, 1 DEC) Repeat (18)
Round 46: ESC 1 CH and then DEC the next 2 STS (1 ESC , 1 DEC) Repeat (12)
Round 47: DEC the row (6)
Add any extra stuffing that you may need 
Round 48: Snip a long tail and feed your working yarn into your yarn needle. Weave into each ST and when you’re done, pull tight like a drawstring. BO and weave in your ends.


Making The Base

Making the base is very similar to making the ball!

Make a magic ring and CH 1 using your 5.00mm hook 
Round 1: SC 6 times into the ring. Tighten the ring with the tail, but do not join. (6)  
Round 2: INC by putting 2 SC in each CH (12)
Round 3: SC in one CH and INC with 2 SC in the next CH. Repeat for the round (18) 
Round 4: SC 2 CHS and then INC with 2 SC in the next CH (SC, SC, INC) Repeat (24)
Round 5: SC 3 CHS and then INC with 2 SC in the next CH (x3 SC, 1 INC) Repeat (30)
Round 6: SC 4 CHS and then INC with 2 SC in the next CH (x4 SC, 1 INC) Repeat (36)
Round 7: SC 5 CHS and then INC with 2 SC in the next CH (x5 SC, 1 INC) Repeat (43)
Round 8-12: SC the whole round (43)
Round 13: SC 5 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS  (x5 SC, 1 DEC) Repeat (36)
Round 14: SC 4 CHS and then DEC the next 2 STS (x4 SC, 1 DEC) Repeat (30)
Round 15-18: SC the whole round (30)
Round 19: SLST into the next ST and BO. Weave in your ends.



I like to leave the base hollow so I can have a little hiding space for some candy, jewelry, or my favorite crystals! 

A hand is holding the crystal ball, and beneath is the black base with a shimmering gold and blue painted rock inside the hidden hole.

Meet the Author

Profile picture of the author, Kate Curry, wearing a dark red Nanda Poncho sitting on concrete stairs in front of brick wall.

Kate has been on the Darn Good Yarn team since 2018.

They have their degree in Creative Art Therapy & Psychology - and like crafting and animals a little too much.