Written by Kate Curry
Here at Darn Good Yarn, everything that stocks our shelves has been handmade by our artisans around the world. Our skirts, dresses & bags are hand cut and sewn. Our Quilts are hand stitched. Our yarn is hand torn, spun, dyed, tagged, and skeined. The list goes on and on! What makes us special is that every aspect of who we are and what we do is a hands-on creation of love and skill!

Sure, once in a blue moon you’ll come across a skirt with a loose thread - but this skirt has been on a journey. From a landfill in India, to our artisan’s hands, to our warehouse here in New York, to your doorstep! Each of our skirts has lived a life and the story of your skirt is something unique to be cherished and celebrated. The colors, patterns, and handmade uniqueness of your special skirt is something that no other person with a DGY skirt (or any product, really!) will have!

Our bags made in Nepal are the same as our skirts. Each bag is handmade by our artisans, women we’re blessed to provide a safe place to work everyday. These artisans pick pieces of reclaimed fabrics to stitch together and create a totally unique and stunning piece. Artisans choose which pieces of fabric go together and their unique artistic choices can be seen across our website.
Our Silk Yarn is no different! Due to the handmade nature of our fiber, you can have the same colorway of yarn but you might notice the colors look a little different between yarns. That’s because our team of incredible artisans have dyed each one! Take our worsted weight silk yarn in phenomena for example! Each skein is dyed with blues, pinks, and purples - but one skein could be more blue-based than the other. This makes each skein of yarn unique in its own way!

Some might turn their nose up at unique pieces. They want something that is the exact same as what someone else has, but we embrace those little quirks that make them as unique as we are! There’s a beauty in standing out from the rest of the pack. As we said, our products have been on a journey, and we’re here to tell their story! For those who also relish in being one of a kind, you’ve come to the right place. Take a peek at our 100% unique products, we think you’ll love their little quirks and beauty as much as we do!