Artisan Profile
At our co-ops in India, there are dozens of safe and sustainable jobs that artisans have other than spinning and dyeing yarn. Many talented hands are needed to create the yarn you love. We receive reclaimed fiber, which then needs to be cleaned, sorted, made into yarn or other products, dyed, gathered, labelled and packed for shipping.
Sabreen (pronounced Suh-breen) is one of the artisans that cleans, labels and packs our yarn! Those little purple tags with all the information you need about your yarn is attached by hand by artists like Sabreen. She has been working with us for 3 years now, diligently making sure that your yarn is tagged, packed, and shipped out with care. Without artisans like her, our shipments would be unorganized and you would not have any information about your yarn when it arrives at your doorstep!
When asking Sabreen about her life, she told us that she needs a UPS (an uninterruptible power supply, not the brown trucks that deliver our purple packages to you!). She needs a backup battery and an inverter for the UPS she needs for her house. India's power grid is very unstable, meaning that artisans like Sabreen have to go without power frequently. Without a generator, this could mean days with no light and no power for appliances like fridges or fans.
Thanks to our amazing customers like you, we are working with Sabreen to make sure that she will get the UPS she needs for her home!